

Our Identity

We are a network of social justice and environmental organizations and leaders committed to a climate movement that advances social, economic, and environmental justice for Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties.


Our Vision

Our vision is to create a more resilient and just region in the face of climate change by leading a just transition away from fossil fuels while transforming current social, economic, and environmental systems and conditions.


Our Mission

Our mission is to forge a regional partnership between social justice and environmental movements to expand our collective power, so we can advance restorative actions and systems change centering on communities who bear the greatest burden of climate change impacts.


Our Values

  • Representative leadership. Leadership and decision-making that directly involves the most-impacted communities.

  • Self-determination.  Communities determine their own destiny.

  • Equity.  All are welcome, share access and benefits, and create fairness.

  • Courage and compassion. OUR action IS fueled by the love for our communities, families, friends and the earth.

  • Self-reflection and growth. Openness to difficult dialogue that is grounded in honesty, integrity, and respect.

  • Heal Historic Harms. Build reconciliation and accountability for legacies of injustice, mend divides, and focus benefits on communities that have borne the greatest impacts.

  • Challenge Unjust Power. Confront and resist agents and institutions of oppression and environmental degradation.

  • Community Health. Holistic well-being of people and the environment.

  • Peace. End violence and advance harmony in our communities.

  • Organizing.  Grow grassroots power, leadership, and representation among a broad base of people.

  • Transformation. Change deeply-rooted systems, power dynamics, and relationships to advance climate justice.


Social Justice Lens

Center marginalized people

People who have been marginalized by deeply-rooted systems of power, oppression and inequality such as low-income people, women, immigrants and people of color, will be the most disproportionately burdened by climate change, are more sensitive to negative impacts, and have the least resources for resilience.

These frontline communities will be at the center of our decision-making and priorities, which requires dedicating meaningful resources to ensuring accessibility and opportunities to participate for those whose voices have historically been left out of conversations about environmental and climate issues.  People that come from and are informed by marginalized communities will be encouraged and supported to serve in public leadership roles.

Leaders and institutions with greater access, representation, and power will commit to internal reflection and transformation to develop stronger allyship towards marginalized people and build a more inclusive and just movement.

Value all forms of knowledge

The deep and broad understanding needed to break down silos in our movements and achieve transformational breakthroughs and innovative practices will require integrating many forms of knowledge and wisdom in our communities.

Indigenous knowledge, lived experiences of frontline communities, and stories of impacted people will be welcomed and valued equally alongside technical, legal , policy, and scientific knowledge to understand the needs and advance solutions for the most impacted and marginalized communities.

Our analysis and action will bridge divides and connect the dots between social justice and environmental movement, “people focused” and “nature focused”, technical and experiential knowledge.

Challenge unjust power

We will embrace the reality that social, economic, and environmental injustice is a direct result of intentional oppression by those who profit and benefit from putting others into positions of denied power.

Creating meaningful transformation of unjust structures, systems, and institutions requires struggle, conflict, determination, and courage to confront and hold power accountable.

Our analysis and action will recognize and address the root causes of environmental and climate injustice by resisting the forces that create systemic inequities and seeking solutions that truly transform the social, economic, and environmental conditions.